Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What a difference a few months makes

Well since my last post much has happened. Mason was sick with RSV for a good portion of February and has sucessfully navigated through strabismus surgery. Here are a few of the best shots that sum up what's been happening lately.
Just hanging out with my sister KoKo.

Feeding the birds at Tingley Beach with my mom.

Climbing a tree, well my shadow did anyway.


Perfecting my cheeseball smile:)

Here it is again!

Daddy's down for the count!

Last picture before surgery.

First picture after surgery.

Just a few hours after surgery and I'm almost back to normal! With straight eyes I might add:)

Friday, February 4, 2011

To Canada and back!

Well Mason can now say he is an international traveler! We made a quick trip to Canada at the end of January to see an energy doctror regarding Mason's eyes. We feel the trip was beneficial to the whole family and are glad for the experience. Mason was exceptionally well behaved the entire trip; he really does travel well. A three hour plane trip plus 5+ hours of driving and he smiled the whole way:) That's our boy!

We also had the opportunity to spend time with some of Phillip's cousins on his dad's side. It was wonderful to meet the different families and we hope to visit again soon (maybe in the summer next time!!!).

Riding in my own seat on the plane. I especially love take off and landing, so fun!

 I got to ride in the back with mommy and nana, I definately kept them entertained!
Canada is absolutely beautiful!

I helped dad drive for a while to give him a break.

It snowed, and snowed and snowed! This kittie didn't seem to mind at all.

 The Melvins are a musical group, I thought I'd try to impress them with my piano skills.
Mommy and Nana screamed and yelled watching car after car spin out and slide down this hill one day. Even a cop car ended up in the ditch!

The Melvin family! Thank you all for letting us crash at your house, we had a wonderful time!
From left: Jordan and Mason, Ivy, Phillip, George, Loretta, Elma, Marley, Shawn and Jessica

Christmas Pictures

We had a wonderful holiday, complete with family, food and fun! We love you all :)

I'm SO cute:)

Just some cute pictures of our boy and his cousins.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A day at the park

Mason had his first trip to the park on Saturday. It was a beautiful day in the Southwest and he had a wonderful time swinging and enjoying the sunshine.

What a cute boy!

Just some cute shots of Mason:
Even in slumber, he still keeps a tight grip on Sophie:) 
Just helping Mom do laundry.